39 War

Emprunt National 1920 Crédit Algérien Poster Product Link
France, 1920
47 x 31 in (119 x 79 cm)

The First Three! Give till it Hurts - they gave till they died Product Link
USA, C. 1918
21 x 28 in (53 x 71 cm)

Faites Travailler Vos Billets de Banque - En Souscrivant Aux Bons D'Épargne Product Link
France, C. 1940
25 x 31 in (64 x 79 cm)

For Liberty and Peace on Earth Give War Bonds Product Link
USA, C. 1945
14 x 10 in (36 x 25 cm)

Wanted - Fighting Dollars. Make Ever Pay-Day Bond-Day. United States Defense Bonds-Stamps. Product Link
USA, 1944
14 x 10 in (36 x 25 cm)

Buy Now for the Bigger 7th War Loan Through Payroll Savings. Product Link
USA, 1944
10 x 14 in (25 x 36 cm)

Emprunt de la Liberation 1918 -- On souscrit a la Societe Marseillaise de Credit Industriel & Commercial & de Depots Product Link
France, 1918
31 x 47 in (77 x 119 cm)

For Britain Keep on Saving "Keep up your National Savings Every Week"✓ Product Link
Great Britain, C. 1945
29 x 20 in (74 x 51 cm)

Lloyds and National Provincial Foreign Bank Limited. Product Link
c.1916 French
33 x 49 in (84 x 124 cm)

Echa Dawno Minionych Dni (Echos of Bygone Days) Product Link
Socha 1979